Don’t distance yourself from nature

In these challenging and anxious times, please don’t distance yourself from nature.  There is now much scientific evidence that spending time outside in nature is good for our physical and mental health.  (See links here)

Head outside to your balcony, backyard, park, beach, forest etc.  Smell a flower, lie on the grass, watch a butterfly, or dig in some soil.

Crafting is also good for our health, it focuses our mind while doing something creative.  Repetitive crafts are very soothing and meditative for people of all ages.  Look at the ideas on this website for inspiration, then come up with your own unique creations.

Definitely practice social distancing, but don’t distance yourself from nature…

Spending time in nature

More research has been released to back up the view that nature is good for us. If you’re reading this you, probably already agree!

Having conclusive research to back up our views can be really helpful when lobbying for improved public parks and gardens or for the protection of natural areas. Here is some more ammunition for our cause: Study: Kids Who Spend Time in Nature Become Happier Adults

Crafting is good for us!

Great research is coming in proving what any crafter already knows, crafting is good for us ! So make sure you make time for crafting, whether it be knitting, sewing, woodwork, or macrame.  For extra added benefits, craft with nature!  The materials are inspiring and beautiful to work with, and readily available for free.

For more interesting articles check out my Useful Links.

Nature Craft Easter Bunny

Pinecones make great bodies for all sorts of creatures, including Easter Bunnies!

Just add some Jacaranda pod ears and feet using a low-melt glue gun.

Glue on an acorn nose, and acorn cap eyes (I’ve added little plastic eyes inside), and some twigs for the whiskers.  Done!

Nature Craft Wreath

Paper plates with the middle cut out make a perfect base for a wreath.  And they’re cheap & easy if you’re working with a whole class of young kids.    Head outside so the kids can collect some natural materials.  I’ve glued on gum leaves, gum blossom and gumnuts to give it a very Aussie touch, but just use whatever plants are available.  A very simple yet effective nature craft activity!

Seedpod Reindeer

Here’s another easy Christmas nature craft which kids love.  Collect some large gumnuts for the body and sheoak pods to make the head for your seedpod reindeer.  Small twigs can be used for the antlers and legs.  Glue them together with a low-melt glue gun to form a little reindeer.  Add plastic eyes and a Coral Gum cap for the nose, which can be painted red to turn it into Rudolph.