Drip Sand Castles at the Beach

Drip sand castles are a fabulous beach activity for all ages.  Just dig a hole in the sand until you reach water, then pick up some really wet sand out of the hole using your hand and drip it in a pile to create a castle.  They look like amazing sandy stalagmites!

See how tall you can build one, or make one with lots of towers. I think they have a rather gothic look to them.

Check out some very cool, gravity defying drip castles by clicking here.


Beach Mermaid

A sandy beach is the perfect canvas for some fun ephemeral land art.  Use seaweed, shells, pebbles and any other bits and pieces you can find on the ground nearby. Create a mermaid or other sea creature. Take a photograph, then leave the pieces on the ground to be returned to the sea or for someone else to use.

For more inspiration, see the work of Land Artists Richard Shillings and Andy Goldsworthy.