
Looking for ideas to encourage kids to spend time in nature?   Then this is the site for you!  

Natural materials are beautiful, inspiring and free.   Discovering and collecting them for nature crafts is as enjoyable as the crafting itself.   

Check out my blog, Insta feed and books for lots of inspiring nature craft ideas.   Folks in South Australia are welcome to come along to a workshop for hands-on, crafty fun!



Benefits of Nature

The long-held belief that nature is good for us is now backed up by solid scientific research.  The research demonstrates significant physical and mental health benefits of spending time in nature.  It is vital that children spend time outdoors, in nature rich environments.  Sadly however, in this era of technology and high density living, children are spending much less time playing outside than previous generations.  Heading outside to hunt for natural materials for crafting is a great way to get kids away from their screens, at least for a while! 

Encouraging Conservation

The more time we spend outside in beautiful forests, beaches, parks and gardens, the more we grow to cherish and respect nature.  Most importantly, if children develop a love and respect for our amazing and beautiful natural world, they are more likely to take steps as adults to conserve it. 

Experimentation and Creativity

All kids have an innate ability to experiment and create, but sometimes they need a little prompting and direction to begin.  The nature crafts in my posts are a great starting point. Instructions are deliberately brief and loose, as the intention is to encourage experimentation and creativity rather than replication. With opportunity and encouragement, children’s imaginations will bring their own amazing and original ideas to life! 

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