Mothers Day Craft – Seed Mosaic Heart

Looking for cheap and easy Mothers Day craft ideas?  A seed mosaic heart is a fun and relaxing activity for all ages!

If you’re working with a large group of kids, first create a heart shaped template.  The kids then trace around the template onto cardboard from old cardboard boxes.  They cut out the heart with scissors, and make a hole at the top with a hole punch.

An assortment of colourful seeds (beans, peas, rice, lentils etc.) can then be glued on with PVA glue to make a pattern.


This is a great use for seeds which are past their use-by date, or weevil infected.  Once dry, a piece of string or ribbon can be tied through the hole so the heart can be hung.

This is a fun, inexpensive, nature craft activity for a whole class.  It is also a great way to start a conversation about the diversity of seeds, and can lead to discussion about the need to preserve heirloom seeds.  For more information check out the The Seed Savers Network.

More examples of seed mosaics can be found on page 14 of my book Nature Crafts with Common Plants.

Make a cool Dinosaur!

To make this very cool dinosaur, you first have to go on a hunt outside for materials. (This is just as much fun as the making!)

Find a large pinecone to use for the body.


And a bunch of Jacaranda pods.  Jacarandas are commonly found in many cities, and their weird, woody pods are great for crafting!


Find a couple of acorns and acorn caps to use as eyes.


And a stick for the tail.  The legs can be made using acorns, small gumnuts, or small sticks – whatever you can find.

Make your dinosaur

Use a low-melt glue gun to attach the pieces together.  (Don’t touch the hot glue!)  Glue two acorns into their caps and stick them onto a Jacaranda pod head.

Attach the head to the pinecone body, then break some of the Jacaranda pods in half and attach them along the body.  Glue on the stick as a tail and attach four legs.

Take it outside and listen to it ROAR!!!  Maybe it needs you to make it a friend?!


(This dinosaur sneaks onto page 2 of my book Nature Crafts with Common Plants)

Drip Sand Castles at the Beach

Drip sand castles are a fabulous beach activity for all ages.  Just dig a hole in the sand until you reach water, then pick up some really wet sand out of the hole using your hand and drip it in a pile to create a castle.  They look like amazing sandy stalagmites!

See how tall you can build one, or make one with lots of towers. I think they have a rather gothic look to them.

Check out some very cool, gravity defying drip castles by clicking here.


Spooky Halloween Spider

I made this rather spooky Halloween spider using a sheoak pod for the body and gumnuts as eyes.  It’s been glued together using a trusty low-melt glue gun.

I used black pipecleaner legs and fangs made from a hakea seedpod finish him off.  Happy Halloween!

Check out my cool  Halloween Bat made from seedpods too!

Seedpod Critters

Seedpod Critters

This gorgeous echidna was made by a 9 year old boy named Charlie.  It’s body is a beautiful big dried banksia flower.  I met Charlie and lots of other lovely kids and families at my local Australian Plants Society sale in Adelaide over the weekend.  We had loads of native seedpods to choose from, and it was fabulous to see so many children (and some adults!) completely engaged with creating their own unique seedpod critters using their imaginations and a trusty low-melt glue gun! Head outside, collect some bits and pieces and have a go yourself!

Here are some other creations:

Not sure what this is!



Maple Leaf Spiral

A run of cold nights has brought out some brilliant autumn colour in my garden.  My Japanese maple is looking spectacular, and the different shades inspired this pretty spiral.  This type of nature craft, when laid out on the ground is sometimes called Land Art.  It’s easy, satisfying, free and fun to do with kids!

New Nature Craft book – Nature Crafts with Common Plants

My new book has arrived!  The cover features some of my favorite creations, some owls made from Liquidamber pods, with acorn cap eyes and Golden Rain tree wings.  These materials are featured in the second half of the book, along with lots of other common plants, many of which are street trees found in cities around the world.

The book is available now from Yourbooksonline and will gradually make its way to other retailers.